Creality Cloud is an all-in-one 3D printing platform offering a vast model repository, built-in cloud slicing, remote printer management, and an active maker community.
Model Files: Supported formats include .stl, .obj, .ply, .off, .3mf, .3ds, .wrl, .dae, .step, and .stp. If you have many models to upload, you can download the "Batch Model Upload Tool" from the "Downloads > Software" section.
Documentation Files: Supported formats include .pdf, .txt, .xls, .doc, .png, .jpg, etc. (You're encouraged to provide model design concepts, printing parameter settings, assembly tutorials, etc. in the "Description".)
Texture Display: Only model files in .obj, .ply, .dae, and .3mf formats support texture display. You can compress the model file along with its associated texture files into a .zip file and then upload it.
The Device ID is the identity of your printer added to Creality Cloud. You can find your Device ID by following the path shown in the image below.
First, ensure that your printer is connected to or has an integrated camera. After adding your printer with the App, you can activate the time-lapse by navigating to: “Workbench” > “…” > “Device Settings” > “Recording Settings” > “Time-lapse”.
Once a print is completed, the recorded time-lapse video can be accessed under “App > Account > Storage > Time-lapse”. The video supports local saving, renaming, deletion, and sharing.
After subscribing to the Premium plan, you can unlock exclusive benefits such as downloading premium models for free, dedicated slicing channels, and accelerated model downloads. Creality Cloud offers monthly and annual Premium plans to flexibly meet different needs.
You can subscribe to the Premium plan through the Creality Cloud App or website, with support for Apple Pay, Google Play, PayPal, and Payoneer. Membership activates immediately upon purchase; you can verify your membership status in "My Profile"(Web)/"Account"(App) or via your user avatar.
If your benefits have not been activated after payment, please contact the online customer service via the Creality Cloud App or website and provide your user ID for assistance.
‘Points’ and ‘Credits’ are two types of virtual currencies circulating on the Creality Cloud platform.
Points: Earned through tasks or by participating in activities, they can be used in the Creality Cloud Eshop to redeem filaments, accessories, printers, coupons and more.
Credits: Obtained through top-ups or earnings from selling original models, they can be used to purchase paid models.
You must have valid, real-name authenticated PayPal and Payoneer accounts, with the accounts registered in an email format.
Your account balance, earned through legitimate model transactions, must reach the minimum withdrawal threshold of 1,000 Credits.
You must comply with the platform’s relevant regulations and terms of service and have no violation records.